Recommended LED Types - Keypad Components

The LED recommendations are for guidance only - LEDs are not sold by MENTOR/Multitron. The recommendations are based on the Osram range as an example, and equivalents should also be acceptable. Some RGB LEDs can produce unexpected results, so testing is recommended. MENTOR/Multitron can provide specialist advice upon request.
LED Category Recommended in
Keypad Components Selection Table
LED Package Recommended Osram LED
for the Package
L1 - L6 PLCC-2 Package LW T673
L7 PLCC-4 Package LSG T676
L8 - L12 PLCC-2 Package LW T673
R2 - R3 0603 SMT Package LS Q976
R4 - R7 0805 SMT Package LG R971
R11 - R13 0603 SMT Package LS Q976
R14 - R16 0805 SMT Package LG R971
LED Category Recommended in
Keypad Components Selection Table
LED Package Recommended Osram LED
for the Package
S11 - S12 Micro SIDELED
SMT Package
LS Y876
Standard SMT
Footprint 0402