The client's brief is always the starting point

MENTOR's custom integrated product lighting solutions always start with the customer’s brief, which normally includes an explanation of their objective and how they envisage it being achieved. Input is obtained from several MENTOR design teams, each with a specialist area, and then and face-to-face meetings and multi-participant conference calls with shared video screens are instigated.

It is not at all unusual for MENTOR to use its specialist competencies to propose an elegant solution that the customer had never even considered. Equally, it has happened that MENTOR runs simulations and advises that the customers’ aspirations, whilst initially seemingly reasonable are upon investigation beyond the laws of physics to achieve.

Especially with regard to opto and light guide design, MENTOR’s investment in its various R&D teams is substantial and has delivered spectacular results. MENTOR’s highly-qualified engineers are at the top of their game and have the very latest leading-edge hardware, software and test equipment at their disposal.

Virtual Light Development - MENTOR's Software Tools

  • Catia V5 R19 as 3D CAD programme
  • CAL Software SPEOS CAA, LucidShape and Zemax
  • Tool to create ray file (ProSource)
  • Blender for product visualisation
Feature SPEOS CAA LucidShape Zemax
Definition of photometric or adiometric light sources. X X X
Definition of volumes and surfaces
Properties of the geometry that is to be simulated.
Definition of light intensity, illumination level and brightness sensors. X X X
Monte-Cario ray-tracing for light simulation. X X X
Calculation of reflective or refractive optics.   X X
Calculation of imaging systems via sequential ray-tracing     X
Deflection calculation     X
Catia geometry exchange Integrated Workbench IGES STEP / IGES