Established in 1920, MENTOR GmbH is
a 500 employee international component
manufacturer with standard ranges
encompassing handles, knobs, switches,
sensors, opto and light guides. Design
and manufacturing facilities in
Germany, Poland, Tunisia and China
allow MENTOR to fulfill customer
requirements from design to finished
component, all in-house.
Opto design and manufacture is a
core and world-leading MENTOR
competency and they are first-tier
suppliers of lighting to many major
auto companies. This experience has
resulted in them developing unique
skills and they are able to virtually
design optics and take these designs
to in-house production without the
need for prototyping. Many
non-automotive companies are now
exploiting these skills.
Multitron was formed in Jan 2012 with active support from
MENTOR. Its sole objective is to reach out to UK & ROI Design Engineers
and assist them to exploit MENTOR’s many standard and custom electronic
component solutions. We also work alongside purchasing professionals to
deliver delivery and cost objectives.
MENTOR is a joy to work with and have an unbelievably
efficient track-record. Having shipped
two million parts since Multitron’s inception, we have yet to have one
quality return and all these parts arrive on the day they were
promised. Multitron (and its
customers) have easy lives!
Multitron is MENTOR's
exclusive agent for the UK & ROI.
Call us on +44 203 475
Mail us at |