Brilliantly Even Illuminated Caps

Brilliantly Even Illuminated Caps

Lots of different Cap and Illuminated Switch designs

  • Full-face, Homogeneously Illuminated Switch Caps
  • Caps with Spot Indicators to Signal System Status
  • Illuminated Switch Caps with Text / Graphic Inserts and many more options

Unique Design – the Cap is separate from the LEDs

The SMD switch and the LEDs are mounted onto the PCB and the MENTOR switch cap is push-fitted onto the switch body.

This approach offers three distinct advantages, setting your products apart from the competition:

  • Extremely even cap illumination
  • An infinite choice of switchable colours using RGB LEDs
  • Lots of different cap designs can be mixed side-by-side

Extremely Even Cap Illumination

The innovative illuminated switch cap design exploits MENTOR’s advanced competencies in the management of LED light. The face of the two-part switch cap is a precision-designed area light guide, providing totally homogeneous illumination with no hot-spots, despite using just two SMD LEDs.

Illuminated Caps

An infinite choice of Switchable Colours

Using RGB LEDs, an infinite choice of illuminated colors is offered.

One-Minute Video Overview

The video provides a quick overview of the many options available. Play the Video

Full-face, Homogenously Illuminated Switch Caps

This range of Illuminated Caps utilises MENTOR’s light guide expertise to provide totally homogenous illumination. The caps faces are proper light guides, offering full-face illumination with no hot-spots. A variety of dimensional variations are available within the range of standard stocked parts. More…

Caps with Spot Indicators to Signal System Status

MENTOR’s light guide expertise has been cleverly utilised – two light guides transmit clearly-defined signal status lights to the top surface of the cap. Two LEDs are used to illuminate the cap face and two other LEDs illuminate the light guides that reach down from the top of the cap face. More…

Illuminated Switch Caps with Text / Graphic Inserts

This range is designed for use with enclosure front panels that do not have a film lamination or membrane overlay. Fully-homogeneous, full-face illumination is provided using just two LEDs.These caps have a retaining shoulder to keep the caps securely in place, even in harsh industrial applications. More…

Many more Switch Cap Options are available:

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